Commstec IT Services Blog

Cyber Security Sheffield

Adopting a Defence-in-Depth Cybersecurity Strategy

Advantages of Adopting a Defence-in-Depth Cybersecurity Strategy Cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent. In 2022, ransomware attacks jumped by 93%. The introduction of ChatGPT will only increase the potential damage of cyber-attacks. Protecting sensitive data and systems requires a comprehensive approach that goes well beyond a single security solution. This is where a […]
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Smart Factories and Cyber Security

Between them the names “Industry 4.0” and “Smart Factory” cover the technologies that are remodeling the way manufacturing functions. Industrial control systems (ICS), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), smart and self-learning machines, advanced analytics, robotics, and cognitive computing all fall […]
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Managed IT Support Sheffield

Why you need an independent IT Consultant.

An independent IT consultant delivers many benefits to a company of any size as they are a true specialist. Claude Lévi-Strauss, a distinguished intellectual (not to be confused with the denim brand), once aptly said, “An expert knows all the answers – if you ask the right questions.” This holds especially true when navigating your […]
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Planning your IT for growth

Planning Your IT For Growth Business growth is an inherent expectation for most enterprises, even in a dynamic city like Sheffield. Preparing for that expansion is crucial, particularly in areas where swift implementation may be hindered by time and cost constraints. A prime example is Information Technology. Early establishment of robust IT support, coupled with […]
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Vulnerability Management: Your 6 Step Protection Process

Vulnerability management is something all businesses need to consider within their IT strategy, but the majority don’t. When software companies push new updates, there are often weaknesses in the code that hackers can find and exploit. Software makers then address the vulnerabilities with a security patch. This cycle continues with each new software or hardware update that is released. […]
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Network as a Service

We have talked about Software as a Service (SaaS) in earlier blogs, but there are other “as-a-Service” models that all allow businesses to access networking capabilities without having to invest in expensive hardware or infrastructure. Network as a Service (NaaS) is a cloud computing service model that enables users to consume network resources and achieve […]
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Cyber Security for Small Business: The need to take the threat seriously

In this article we will explain why cyber security for small business is a topic being talked about more and more. Recent headlines have highlighted a surge in cyberattacks against prominent public-facing companies. On January 10th, 2023, Royal Mail fell victim to a LockBit ransomware attack that compromised its systems. Towards the end of the […]
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IT Support Frustration

Back up, back up, back up – we can’t say it often enough.

Last month we looked at why a Cloud First strategy is the best way to make sure your data is stored securely and is easily accessible. The last link in the chain to effective cloud computing is backing up regularly. In even a small business documents are created, modified, and removed daily so having the […]
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Managed IT Support Sheffield

Align Your Team to Company Targets with Microsoft Viva Goals

Align Your Team to Company Targets with Microsoft Viva Goals You often hear the words “digital transformation” and “collaboration.” But what do they actually mean? What do they mean for the day-to-day of running your business? Collaboration can’t happen without shared goals. When departments are siloed and unconnected, priorities can conflict. People are doing their […]
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Why You Need a Cloud-First Strategy

In the year 2019, Microsoft ceased its support for Windows XP, marking the end of an era for this legacy operating system. Astonishingly, even three years later, almost a million PCs globally continue to operate on this outdated software. Delving deeper into the landscape of antiquated software, a concerning reality emerges – countless businesses are […]
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