Cyber Security & IT Infrastructure management…. simplified.

Remote Access Solutions


The rapid shift to remote working created unprecedented demand for anytime, anywhere secure remote access to corporate resources. Commstec IT’s Managed Remote Access solutions offloads remote access management from your IT team, allowing them to focus on more important issues.

Rapid Scalability & Provisioning


Get users up and running quickly for maximum business continuity. The service automatically manages software updates, and high availability. You can rapidly secure your entire remote workforce and reduce the time required on providing end user support. Our solution provides breadth of authentication methods, using Certificates, Username/Passwords, and MFA using text/mobile Apps, or a mixture of all three. All from one single client install. We also provide phishing and anti-ransomware DNS protection as standard.


Seamless User Experience

Always-on connectivity and security provide end users with a great experience regardless of location, and with high speed, highly redundant access available, they will always have access to your company resources.

Covert Cloud-based VPN Architecture

Always-on connectivity and security provide end users with a great experience regardless of location, and with high speed, highly redundant access available, they will always have access to your company resources. Our covert solutions prevent any open ports or IP addressing to the internet, keeping your business and data secure.


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