Cyber Security

industry 4.0 security

Security breaches in Smart Factories.

Smart factories are playing an increasingly pivotal role in industries’ journey towards digitisation and Industry 4.0. These connected facilities, intertwined with the cloud and the internet, offer an array of communicative advantages. However, the very network connectivity that brings these benefits also opens up a broader surface area vulnerable to digital attacks. Consequently, smart factories […]
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Smart Factories and Cyber Security

Between them the names “Industry 4.0” and “Smart Factory” cover the technologies that are remodeling the way manufacturing functions. Industrial control systems (ICS), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), smart and self-learning machines, advanced analytics, robotics, and cognitive computing all fall […]
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Planning your IT for growth

Planning Your IT For Growth Business growth is an inherent expectation for most enterprises, even in a dynamic city like Sheffield. Preparing for that expansion is crucial, particularly in areas where swift implementation may be hindered by time and cost constraints. A prime example is Information Technology. Early establishment of robust IT support, coupled with […]
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Network Services

5 Ways to Balance User Productivity with Solid Authentication Protocols

5 Ways to Balance User Productivity with Solid Authentication Protocols One constant struggle in the workplace today, is the balance between productivity and security. If you give end users too much freedom in your network, the risk increases. But adding too many security gates and hoops to jump through, and productivity can dwindle. It’s a […]
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